Being aware of self without judgment

How aware of yourself are you? Would you say you know yourself like the back of your hand? It sounds really easy to say “Yes, I know who I am” but do you really? Sometimes you may feel certain emotions but aren’t able to explain why you're feeling them. Or how to handle them. So we default to discrediting these emotions because they're unfamiliar. We immediately assert that these feelings aren't "normal".
But feeling a multitude of emotions at the same time is, in fact, normal. It is part part of our very human experience. The best way to handle them is by allowing them to flow through you without resistance. And by resistance, I mean judgment.
Sometimes you may feel certain emotions but aren’t able to explain why you're feeling them. Or how to handle them. So we default to discrediting these emotions because they're unfamiliar.
But how do we do this?
By first acknowledging the emotions, then we work toward meeting the emotions with compassion, logic, and candor. When we're honest with ourselves about our feelings, we start to become more aware of our self. We open the door to fully accepting who we are.
Consciously building our self-awareness, we afford ourselves the ability to find true fulfillment.
But feeling a multitude of emotions at the same time is, in fact, normal. It is part part of our very human experience. The best way to handle them is by allowing them to flow through you without resistance. And by resistance, I mean judgment.
It takes courage to acknowledge and accept every single part of you. The good and the bad. This is strength. Be strong and own YOU without judgment. This process can be hard. If you feel you need professional guidance and support, connect with a Lotus Theory Therapist.