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Wellness blog dedicated to helping you create your balance

How to achieve a state of “calm” anywhere

Writer's picture: Lauren PurnellLauren Purnell

It seems like the more I grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually the more peace and calm I crave. Can you relate?

Woman eyes closed
Photo: Unsplash | Alekon Pictures

In the past few years crowds seem more intense, the tv sounds louder, fluorescent lights are blinding, family gatherings feel more like chaos and I find myself creating little escapes throughout the day.

I am currently working at a middle school and I have found refuge in the bathroom stall many days.

Whether you call it hiding, taking a breather or finding your calm, my favorite part of these breaks is the post chill magic. When you’re in this state of equilibrium your body isn’t working harder than it needs to be. Your hormones have the opportunity to balance, stress levels decrease, mental clarity is achieved and your systems can begin to heal. Our physical bodies’ innate intelligence is fully activated when we are mentally in a state of calm.

By now we’re all aware of the power of the mind and how impactful our thoughts can be in creating our reality. When we are at peace mentally we have the opportunity to focus on more of the things that we want. We elevate and grow as opposed to creating more resistance and strife. Energy grows where your focus goes.

Eventually finding your calm will become second nature. The more time you spend in this space the easier it will be to tap in whenever you want. This even has the potential to become your default state of being. The power is within.

I know you have A LOT going on. Between advertisements telling you that you’re lacking in every area, deadlines increasing your blood pressure, and the pressure you put on yourself to be, do and feel, a little peace and relaxation seems like a pipe dream some days. Trust me, the overstimulation is real but you know at LT we not only tell you what to do but how to do it.

Let’s make it easy by going step by step. Once you do this a few times, it’ll be like second nature. I believe in you!

1. Find your spot

Ideally this is a space in your home or in nature where you feel safe and can just sit and be. For me, this isn’t always possible and my spot is wherever I happen to be at the moment. Oftentimes it’s in the bathroom at work or home.

2. & 3. Focus & Breathe

The patterns of your breath have the ability to alert or calm every system in your body. Breath is how we move from one state of being to another. Once you’ve found your spot, connect with your breath. It will tell you where it wants to go if you allow it. Intentionally breathing in and out through the nose regulates your nervous system. 4-6-7 breathing can take you from 100 to 0 in 45 seconds. Breath in for 4 hold for 6 and out for a count of 7 seconds. The key here is to make the out breath longer than the in breath. You’ll find the longer you do it the deeper your breath will become. You got this!

4. Observe your thoughts

Take inventory of what’s going through your mind at the moment. There’s no need to judge or force anything out. The more you focus on your breath the less important your thoughts will be.

5. Tap into the present moment

An easy way to ground yourself in the present moment is to describe your surroundings. Your brain cannot hold two thoughts at once. By giving it simple neutral ideas your attention is shifted and you have found the calm.

6. You’re in the zone

Enjoy the calm. Be still, focus on your breath and feel yourself fall deeper and deeper into a state of relaxation.

Whether you call it hiding, taking a breather or finding your calm, my favorite part of these breaks is the post chill magic. When you’re in this state of equilibrium your body isn’t working harder than it needs to be.

Eventually finding your calm will become second nature. The more time you spend in this space the easier it will be to tap in whenever you want. This even has the potential to become your default state of being. The power is within.

Meditation is a great way to support this practice and expand your calm. Engaging in group meditation creates a huge ripple effect not only in your life, but throughout the world.

If you’re feeling inspired, sign up for a sound healing meditation session here.

Until next time, protect your peace, shine your light and know that life loves you!


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